Holistic Guidance

Understand the energetics of your blockages and how you can navigate and transcend them. A blockage is held energetically, physically, emotionally and mentally - I will find the way to tackle it with you so you can step into our vibrant power!

Kundalini Activations

The sacred way to let the universal divine energy take direction in what should be cleared out and transformed in your life at this given moment. It will change your vibration from the core and put you in direct frequency response with your true worth.


This self-developed form of hypnotherapy based on RTT is the fastest way to finding the root causes of any issue or emotions that you are facing at this given moment. Within one session we can erase the patterns and beliefs tied to that. Removing the block will free the space for the energy to rise.

Yoga & Pranayama

Yoga is the channeled truth in how we remove the biggest blocks from our physical system. Pranayama or breathwork will be removing them from your energetic system and work closely with your nervous system to build capacity for the rise of the serpent energy.


Through guiding you into connection with your sacral center you are gaining a clear communication with your innate power of the divine Kundalini Shakti energy. Only when the male and female aspects are in balance, we can experience the inner union that is needed.

Somatic Work

As a bodyworker I have come to understand the mechanics of trauma and blocks sitting in the body. We will apply techniques from modern science up to ancient Kriyas from the Himalayan tradition to release whats stuck.

Ways to work with me on your Kundalini Awakening